The Future of Creation: Shifting from "How" to "What" in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Creation: Shifting from "How" to "What" in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Photo by Jigar Panchal / Unsplash

There was a time when understanding how to build and repair was a cornerstone of everyday life. People could construct houses with their own hands, fix a sputtering car engine, or patch a torn garment without much hesitation. These were not just skills but an integral part of human identity—a connection to the physical world through the mastery of "how."

Fast forward to today, and these abilities have largely diminished. The craft of repairing or creating has given way to the convenience of replacement and outsourcing. Most of us no longer know how to build a sturdy home or diagnose a mechanical issue under the hood of a car. This shift has been driven by technological advancements that prioritize efficiency over understanding. But what if this trend is only the beginning? What if artificial intelligence takes us even further from the "how" and places us squarely in the realm of the "what?"

The Rise of AI and the "Black Box"

Artificial intelligence is becoming ubiquitous, promising to revolutionize industries and everyday life. From code generation to creative writing, AI tools now do what once required years of human learning. They deliver results—sometimes better than what we’d achieve ourselves—without requiring us to know the inner workings of the systems that power them.

This phenomenon is often referred to as the "black box" problem. We input what we want, and the system outputs a solution, but the process in between is opaque to most users. While this abstraction is convenient, it also marks a departure from a deep understanding of how things work.

Software Development: The Next Frontier

Consider the field of software development. Today, building software demands a grasp of coding languages, algorithms, and architectures. Yet, AI is steadily eroding this requirement. Tools like GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, and others allow even non-coders to produce functioning software. Just as modern cars no longer require drivers to know how an engine works, future software may not require creators to understand the underlying code.

At first glance, this seems like progress—a democratization of creation. But what is lost in the process? If AI handles the "how," do we risk becoming mere specifiers of "what" without the ability to intervene, modify, or innovate beyond the boundaries of pre-built systems?

Lessons from the Past

The decline of hands-on skills in the physical world offers a cautionary tale. As manual expertise fades, so too does the resilience and adaptability that comes with it. When something breaks, we rely on specialists or replacements. When AI-driven systems fail, will we face a similar predicament? A world where few understand the "how" could be one of increased dependency and reduced agency.

Striking a Balance

The challenge lies in balancing the "what" and the "how." AI can and should simplify complex tasks, freeing us to focus on broader ideas and goals. But we must also ensure that the foundational knowledge of "how" is not lost entirely. This means nurturing a culture that values learning and understanding alongside innovation and efficiency.

Education and training must adapt to this new reality. Instead of abandoning foundational skills, we should reimagine them for the AI age. How do algorithms think? What biases can AI introduce? How can we maintain control over tools that are designed to think for us? These are the new "how" questions we must answer.


The story of human progress is one of invention and mastery—of learning not just to use tools but to understand and improve them. As we enter a future dominated by AI, we stand at a crossroads. Will we become passive operators of technology, or will we strive to retain the curiosity and skill that have always defined us?

In this future, the "what" may guide us, but let us not forget the "how" that brought us here.